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samedi 13 septembre 2008

ICT and Primary Mathematics

ICT and Primary Mathematics
Publisher: Open University Press | Pages:160 | 2003-01-01 | ISBN: 0335210309 | PDF | 9 MB

Product Description:

Current digital technologies have the potential to enhance primary children's mathematical learning. Calculators and computers can be used as tools in mathematics to perform routine processes or to explore mathematical ideas. Graphic and programmable calculators, and computers with open-ended software can also immerse children in exciting, creative and productive learning environments. The internet allows children to venture into the enormous world of mathematics beyond the classroom.

This book provides teachers with insights into how other teachers and researchers have discovered ways to create powerful learning experiences for children. Each chapter helps the reader to understand why certain teaching approaches with technology are more effective than others, as well as providing many practical ideas for activities and projects for children with various ability levels and learning styles.





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