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mardi 14 août 2007

Functional Analysis (Kôsaku Yosida )

Kôsaku Yosida
"Functional Analysis"Springer-Verlag
ISBN 3540586547 501 Pages 6th edn Scanned PDF 31 MB
About the AuthorBiography of Kôsaku Yosida Kôsaku Yosida (7.2.1909-20.6.1990) was born in Hiroshima, Japan. After studying mathematics a the University of Tokyo he held posts at Osaka and Nagoya Universities before returning to the University of Tokyo in 1955. Yosida obtained important and fundamental results in functional analysis and probability. He is best remembered for his joint work with E. Hille which brought forth a theory of semigroups of operators successfully applied to diffusion equations, Markov processes, hyperbolic equations and potential theory. His famous textbook on functional analysis was published in 6 distinct editions between 1965 and 1980.Uploader's note: The cover picture in this news post is of a new reprint (brought out in 2003 by Springer) of this book (the print of the book actually post is dated 1980), since I couldn't find the original cover. Content-wise, they are the same book.

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